Wine & Law Program

Faculty of Law and Political Science - University of Reims

Category logo Jus ViniIntellectual Property

Intellectual Property, Focus

The tale of IP throughout history

Intellectual Poperty is a key component of our society. Its story is rich and complex, made of stepbacks and progress. You can read this tale on EUIPO's website.

The tale of IP.

European Law, Intellectual Property

European Watch list for Counterfeit and Piracy

The European Commission recently published a list which presents some known website and marketplaces that engange in counterfeit and piracy outside of Europe. This list works as a warning for companies and businesses in the EU.

Find the article on the European Commission's website.

Intellectual Property, International Law

OAPI : new member of the Geneva Act of Lisbon Agreement

The African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) recently joined the Geneva Act of Lisbon Agreement, which aims at a better protection and recognizion of appellations of origin and geographical indications.

Read more on WIPO website.

Intellectual Property

Wine brands in the Metavers

The Metavers is a new digital world in which the brands have a place and need protection. This is the thesis developed by Katja Loeffelholz in an article on Lex Vini.

Find the article here.

Intellectual Property

Bourbon’s recognition as a US product in Japan

The protection of Bourbon just increased in Japan with the acknowledgement that this is a US product. This type of bilateral agreement was signed last year between the US and Bolivia.

Read the article on the spirit business.

Intellectual Property, International Law

International design and trademark systems welcomes a new member

This is a new step forward for the protection of intellectual property on an international level : Jamaica joins the International design and trademark systems. This allows - among other things - to increase the number of market available for companies.

Read the article on Novagraaf.

Intellectual Property, Focus

The history of Intellectual Property

The EUIPO recently put online an article dealing with the history of IP starting in Ancient Greece. This is a serie of article that appears to be captivating.

Find the article on EUIPO's website.

Intellectual Property

A new Australian method to fight wine fraud

A new method of identifying the origin of wine was developped by the University of Adelaide and its results looks promising. Counterfeit in the wine industry has always been an issue from a commercial and a legal perspective.

Read the article on

Intellectual Property

The necessity of using a Trademark

After the registration of a trademark, there are still a few obligations left for the owner to protect its trademark. One of these is the obligation of use the trademark.

Find the article on Novagraaf's website.

Intellectual Property

Protecting and enforcing brands in Europe

The European Trademark System is quite complex from an outsider's point of view. Novagraaf offers a short presentation of the system.

Find the article on Novagraaf.

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