Wine & Law Program

Faculty of Law and Political Science - University of Reims

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Intellectual Property, International Law

OAPI : new member of the Geneva Act of Lisbon Agreement

The African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) recently joined the Geneva Act of Lisbon Agreement, which aims at a better protection and recognizion of appellations of origin and geographical indications.

Read more on WIPO website.

Case-law, Trademark law

Deceptive trade marks regarding the origin

A spannish trademark has been declared invalid due to the connection created between the origin (placed in bad faith according to the EUIPO) and the product.

Read the article on EUIPO's website.

Geographical Indications, International Law

The EU-Korea trade agreement adds new GI’s to be protected

The protocol of negociation of a bilateral trade agreement includes the possibility to add new products to be protected under the agreement. This is precisely what happened regarding the agreement between EU and Korea.

Read the article on the European Commission's website.

Technical requirements, European Law

U-Label is ready for the new European reglementation

The EU published a reglementation for the wines companies to communicate mandatorily their list of ingredients for wines and aromatised wines. In order to assist companies with the technical elements, a platform was created by the CEEV and SpiritsEUROPE : U-Label. It is now fully fonctionnal and has already some companies using the platform.

Read the article on Ignacio Sanchez Ricarde's LinkedIn.

Technical requirements

The Champagne changes its spacing rules for vines

This is a subject that brought a lot of opposition. The new spacing rules for the vines plantation has been recently enforced despite a strong diseagrement from a part of the winegrowers in Champagne.

Read more on this topic on thedrinksbusiness.


Ukraine joins the OIV

The OIV keeps its road toward adhesions of new countries. The lastest member to join the organisation is Ukraine.

Read about the adhesion on OIV's website.

Featured, European Law, Labelling

Ingredients on wine label: a study on consumer’s perception

A study dealing with: "Wine labelling with the list of ingredients: context, consumer’s perception and future challenges" was just released in anticipation of the new European reglementation. The study questions the perception by the consumer of different types of ingredients on the label.

Read the study here.


Climate change: an opportunity for some?

As shown in the study below, climate change might not cause trouble for everyone. Whilst the phenomenon is not new, climate change could be beneficial for the UK vineyard, as for the German and Canadian ones.

Read the article on

Geographical Indications

New GIs in the UK

A lot of circonstances, including Brexit and climate change might lead the UK in the registration of more GIs and PDOs in the nea future. This summer, a new PDO for wine has been registered under the name "Sussex". This registration follows the new protocol intended by the new UK GI scheme.


Geographical Indications, European Law

New trade agreement between New-Zealand and the EU soon to be enforced

The New-Zealand Foreign Affairs and Trade Ministry just released a draft of an ongoing negociation for a Trade Agreement with the EU. As of yet, the Agreement offers to recognize and protect more than 2 000 european GI's.

Find the Agreement on NZ's Foreign Affairs and Trade website.

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