JUS VINI Blog, The electronic Journal of Wine & Spirits Law, is a bilingual (English/French) peer-reviewed legal blog, promoting legal scholarship in the field of wine and spirits law. It stands as an editorial and academic supplement to Jus Vini – Journal of Wine & Spirits Law (Jus Vini), and focuses specifically on a quick coverage of the news related to the fast-evolving wine & spirits sector.
It is edited by the Wine & Law Program – A Jean Monnet Chair, of the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne and hosted by the Wine & Law Program’s official website (www.wine-law.org).
JUS VINI Blog publishes articles, case-law notes, reports, briefs and book reviews on national, comparative, European and international law concerning wines and spirits as well as all relevant legal, economic, and academic information. The material must not be already published or accepted for publicaton elsewhere. In case of the submission for Jus Vini Blog, the author should not publish its contribution elsewhere before editorial team’s answer. After publication in JUS VINI Blog, the work cannot be published elsewhere.
Manuscripts, and news can be submitted throughout the year, in electronic format only and in compliance with the guidelines for authors. Submissions should not be longer than 40,000 characters for articles and reports, and 20,000 characters for notes on case-law, briefs and book reviews (including spaces). For submission of manuscripts, or other editorial information, e-mail us at guillaume.moreno@wine-law.org. The editorial team reserves the right to propose to the author a publication in Jus Vini instead of JUS VINI Blog or vice-versa.
Any material published in JUS VINI Blog reflects the views and opinions of each individual author and neither the Wine & Law Program – A Jean Monnet Chair, of the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, nor any official partner or sponsor of the Program are responsible for, or assume, any liability in relation to those materials.
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