Wine & Law Program

Faculty of Law and Political Science - University of Reims

Tag logo Jus ViniCounterfeit

European Law, Intellectual Property

European Watch list for Counterfeit and Piracy

The European Commission recently published a list which presents some known website and marketplaces that engange in counterfeit and piracy outside of Europe. This list works as a warning for companies and businesses in the EU.

Find the article on the European Commission's website.

Intellectual Property

A new Australian method to fight wine fraud

A new method of identifying the origin of wine was developped by the University of Adelaide and its results looks promising. Counterfeit in the wine industry has always been an issue from a commercial and a legal perspective.

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Alcohol sales

Fighting counterfeit with blockchain

Struggle against wine counterfeit exist since the very beginning of its creation and one of the main issue producers and lawyers have to fight against.
An Australian company designed a technology usisng blockchain that might help to prevent such counterfeit.

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