Wine & Law Program

Faculty of Law and Political Science - University of Reims

Tag logo Jus ViniCOVID-19 (en)

Alcohol sales

Champagne sales are back on track

Whilst the pandemic hit hard the wine industry, affecting both the local sales and exportations, the situation seems to be back on track with Champagne sales for 2021 planned to be higher than 2019.

Read th article on the drinks business.

Alcohol sales

Alcohol sales droped during the pandemic

Many studies predicted it, alcohol sales during the pandemic took a serious hit: a drop of 6% according to the drinks business. However Champagne held a bit better than still wines.

Global alcohol sales fell 6% during the pandemic.

In focus: Champagne sparkles in the fine wine market.


The impact of Covid-19 on the cork sector

The pandemic affected the wine sector as a whole. A survey adressed to the cork sector tries to show the impact of Covid-19 on the sector.

Find the article on the Portuguese government's website.

Exceptional regulation

Southern African ban on alcohol has been lifted

A few weeks ago South Africa enforced a second ban on alcohol trade to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Last week, president Cyril Ramaphosa announced the lift on alcohol ban.

See the article on the drinks business.

Exceptional regulation

New rules for alcohol sales in Scotland

The spread of Covid-19 pushed the Scottish government to take new measures regarding alcohol sales. Consumption of alcohol outdoor is banned and there are new rules for "click and collect" businesses.

See the article on the drinks business.

Alcohol sales

Anticipated volumes of wine in 2020 is below average

The OIV gave a live-streamed press conference on October 27, presenting the anticipated wine production for 2020. The numbers are quite concerning as it appears that wine production will decrease a second year in a row. It shall be remembered that 2018 was a particularly abundant year for wine growers.

Find the article on Forbes.

Alcohol sales

Covid-19 impacts heavily Champagne sales

The Covid-19 pandemic has a direct impact on alcohol sales around the world. Even the most famous one can't go through the crisis unaffected.

See the video on foxbusiness.


South Africa’s wine industry about to collapse?

The last article on the siutation of the South African vineyard published by Forbes is quite worrying. The Covid-19 pandemic in addition with the alcohol sales ban will be a direct hit to the wine sector.

Read the article on Forbes.

Exceptional regulation

Kenya limits the sales of alcohol

As in a few countries, alcohol sales have been limited in Kenya to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Read the article on bloomberg.

Exceptional regulation

New rules for winegrowers in California to fight Covid-19

California enforced a new protocol to prevent the spreading of the Covid-19 pandemic by workers in the vineyard.

Read the article on MorningAgClips.

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