Wine & Law Program

Faculty of Law and Political Science - University of Reims

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Alcohol sales

Alcohol sales online in the US rises during the epidemic

With lockdowns around the world, e-commerce increased severely regarding wine sales. Some says that it might be the new major way to buy alcohol worldwide.
The US is following the same path.

Read the article.

Alcohol sales

State of the viticultural sector in 2019

The OIV presented the state of the global wine production, consumption and international trade in 2019.

There is the report.

The Covid-19 crisis takes a serious place in those data as it may cut half of the wine sales in the EU.

Coronavirus may cut wine sales in Europe by half: OIV.

Alcohol sales

How Covid-19 influences wine sales in the US ?

Facing the lockdown situation, wine sales have been heavily impacted.
There is an opinon about the post-coronavirus situation.

Read the article on Forbes.

Alcohol sales

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on wine business in Australia

The epidemic has a huge impact on the wine sector. Wether it is on export or local industries. See below:

Coronavirus’ Continued Brutal Impact On The Wine Business.

Wine exports positive but pandemic impacts yet to come.

One-third of Australia's wineries could go under because of coronavirus pandemic, industry warns.

Alcohol sales

E-commerce boost for alcohol during lockdown in China

According to Euromonitor, the E-commerce boost for alcohol during lockdown in China might perpetuate after the crisis.

The article from Food navigator-asia.

Alcohol sales

The lockdown and its consequences on wine retailing

Lockdowns and measures to fight the spreading of Covid-19 have direct consequences on alcohol sales and shopping habits.
Could this crisis have an impact on wine retailing long term ?

Read the article from the drinks business.

Alcohol sales

Alcohol ban in India during lockdown

One measure enforced with the lockdown in India is the closure of liquor shops, wholesale warehouses, bottling plants, distilleries and breweries.

Read the articles : economictimes.indiatimes


What happens after the Covid-19 crisis ?

Facing an economic crisis is always a huge challenge. This prospect is even worth for the current epidemic as the crisis already began and will keep on going until the end of the pandemic.
The Wine Economist tries to fordashow the impact of the crisis on the wine sector.

Read the article.

Exceptional regulation

Restrictions for brewery and winery in South Australia

Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, the beer and wine sector knows some restrictions all over the country. On Friday 9 April, directions were given to businesses in Adelaide Hills to reduce the risk of spreading the virus.

Read the article on miragenews.

Exceptional regulation

Relaxation of State law regarding alcohol

The lockdown enforced to avoid the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in the US brings changes to the regulation of alcoholic beverages acording to Alex Gangitano. A relaxation in fact.

Read Alex Gangitano's article here.

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