Wine & Law Program

Faculty of Law and Political Science - University of Reims

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Editorial, Featured

Jus Vini n°2 – 2021 : Editorial

With the release of the next issue of Jus Vini, you can already read the Editorial written by Theodore Georgopoulos.

Jus Vini n°2 - 2021 : Editorial : Is Wine Law Threatened with Extinction?

Table of contents, Featured

Jus Vini n°2 – 2021 : Table of Contents

The next issue of Jus Vini, n°2 of 2021 is about to be released. As a teaser, you can find the table of contents right below and an abstract for the incoming articles.

Table of content, Jus Vini n°2 - 2021.

Alcohol sales

Alcohol sales droped during the pandemic

Many studies predicted it, alcohol sales during the pandemic took a serious hit: a drop of 6% according to the drinks business. However Champagne held a bit better than still wines.

Global alcohol sales fell 6% during the pandemic.

In focus: Champagne sparkles in the fine wine market.


Water in wine

The OIV published a new document dealing with the use of sustainable water in Winegrape vineyards’ production.

Find the document on OIV's website.


Climate change worries winegrowers in New-Zealand

For a few years now do we anticipate the effects and consequences of climate change. Winegrowers in New-Zealand are concerned about the effect of global warming on their wine.

Find the article on


Updated Environmental Guidelines for the wine industry in Australia

The South Australian Wine Industry Association (SAWIA) just released updated Environmental Guidelines for the wine industry in Australia in order to help winegrowers to identify and comply with State and Federal legislation.

Find the article on

European Law

Geographical indications and traditional specialities guaranteed

The Commission released a study on European GIs and TSGs and their consistency through all the European countries.

See the article here.


Wine and Covid-19 : debunk

Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been a lot of pseudo-researches and theories about the effect of wine on the disease. The Drinks Business offers to debunk some of the ideas that spread recently.

Find the article on thedrinksbusiness.

Featured, Book

Administrative Controls in the Wine Sector

The new book from the Wine & Law Program - A Jean Monnet Chair is here. It deals with Administrative Controls in the Wine Sector, presenting, in English or in French, the law & practice in major wine-producing countries around the world.

Find more details below.

Geographical Indications

Protection of GIs in China

EUIPO presents a short video about the protection of GIs in China. The subject is dealt with Mr. Massimo Vittori and presents the situation of GIs protection from a producter's persepective.

See the video on YouTube.

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