Diploma in Wine Journalism
The University Diploma in Wine Journalism meets a real need at regional or even national and international level. The aim is to offer diploma training aimed at ensuring the specialization of professionals working (or looking for a job) in the media (written press, audiovisual and internet), communication services (public sector or private), etc, on the questions of the vine and wine.
The training, unique in its kind, is based on an interdisciplinary approach to the major questions of the wine sector: viticulture, oenology, history, economics, marketing, law, sociology … so many disciplines each giving its vision on the vine and wine. The fixed training aims to make these disciplines “dialogue” around precise themes, in order to give the students a global vision of the big files of the sector, to familiarize them with the research of information and their treatment in the matter and to give them a minimum of knowledge necessary to exercise the professions related to journalism, communication, public relations, etc. with the eye of a specialist in a sector with high technicality and significant challenges.
The training will be developed in partnership with La Champagne Viticole, magazine of the Syndicat general des vignerons de la Champagne (SGV), an essential reference in the specialized press, for the aspects of implementing educational methods responding to the particularities of the journalism profession, while that it will benefit from the support of the Jean Monnet Chair in European Regulation of the wine sector and the Georges Chappaz Institute of Vine and Wine in Champagne.
Organized in the form of thematic sessions, held once a month (over two days) and spread over the course of an academic year, the training encourages the enrollment of a public of professionals but also of students enrolled in parallel in a other Master level training. Based on educational methods favoring practical applications and lectures by academics and professionals, the diploma in question will be strongly oriented towards the professional world of vine and wine.
Finally, its dual path (French-English) aims to widen the circle of potentially interested people as much as possible and best meet a need far beyond the region.
Educational goals:
Acquire knowledge (history, terroir, production, organizations, economy, sustainable development, wine and society, marketing) to better master the journalistic approach to wine and increase the ability to argue with the interlocutors of the wine sector.
Selection conditions:
- hold a university license (or equivalent);
- or be a professional in the press, communication, public relations or in the wine / food industry, with experience of at least three years.
Created by the Wine & Law Program, in collaboration with the Georges Chappaz Institute of Vines and Wine in Champagne, the Diploma in Wine Journalism was administratively transferred to the Institute, part of the University of Reims, in September 2020.
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